
A Turn for the Worse

A Turn for the Worse ist der Name der vierten Mission vom zweiten Akt von Ancient-Shivan War.

Vorherige Mission Diese Mission Nächste Mission
The Avenger A Turn for the Worse Strike
Mission Englischer Name Deutsche Übersetzung
4 „A Turn for the Worse“ „Eine Wendung zum Schlechten“

Beteiligte Schiffe

Verbündete Feinde
Uralten Shivaner
AF KatoSF Scorpion
4x Beth 5x Arjuna
4x He 5x Rama
AF Phylaki 594x Vishnu
4x Aleph 594x Durga
AF Tylisos 594x Asura
3x DalethSF Dragon
ACv Mochlos 594x Krishna
Kophinas 200x Brahma
GalatasSSG Trident
AD Pylos 4x Sentry
KolonnaSC 5
4x SC 5
5x SAC 2
SC Cain
SCv Moloch
SSD Lucifer(1)

(1) = Schiffsklasse ist während der Mission nicht bekannt, wird nur als „Shivan superdestroyer“ identifiziert.






Seite Text
1 With a stream of victories following the aftermath of the $h Demon's destruction, $b Verbek is on the verge of being secure once more. All minor-scale threats are being swept aside and we are mobilising against several cargo depots scattered throughout the system.

Just moments ago, scouts from the Koumasa came upon the largest depot we have found so far. Two cruisers, a corvette and several fighter and bomber wings are guarding a small dozen containers. Removing this depot will be a large step towards effectively bringing an end to the Battle for Verbek.
2 Aleph, Beth, Gimel and Daleth, you are being granted the privilege of ending their pathetic lives yourselves. But you will not be doing it alone. Instead, you shall have the further privilege of fighting alongside the Galatas and the Kophinas, the fleet's two newly-received Mochlos-class corvettes. These vessels of war surpass the ageing Arkalochori in all aspects. This assault will serve as a proving ground for them and as a re-assurance of our superiority over our foes once more.

Let no Shivan survive this battle. Destroy every last one of them. Above all, keep the Kophinas and the Galatas alive. Once nothing remains, you will hold the newly reclaimed position until instructed. Prepare yourselves quickly. We must press the advantage while it still stands.


Seite Text Empfehlung
1 Welcome back to the Akrotiri, brothers and sisters. You performed well at the field of battle: the Phenex, Grigori and Ralkar are no more. Our Mochlos corvettes have proven themselves capable warships.

However, the news you brought back is utterly terrifying. Under the given circumstances, you were right to flee the field of battle. The Kolonna, as you know, has been destroyed, and all efforts to contact the Chania have failed. We can only assume that it suffered a similar fate at the unexplored node of Shivan entry.

This ship - designated the Lucifer - annihilated two of our destroyers in mere minutes, and it single-handedly gained control of the unexplored jump node. The raw firepower it is capable of unleashing, is unseen and unheard of. At first glance, it may appear to be simple beam technology, like the Aesdherians once possessed$semicolon but do not be fooled, this is something entirely different, and a much more severe threat to our Race.

A new Shivan invasion could be imminent, and against these probable odds, we cannot hope to hold Verbek. At the orders of fleetmaster Ty'Vlayl, the fleet is withdrawing back to Vocruar, where we intend to make a stand and prevent anything from attempting to reach Sopul. Should the Lucifer pursue, we will unleash everything available to destroy it and hold the line.

Let us hope that none more of our Race will have to suffer the fate of the Kolonna and the Chania.
2 You are but a fool presenting yourself before me after abandoning the field of battle. Desertion is strictly forbidden by the Empire, and only a coward would desert his brethren. Because of what you have done, you cost the Empire many brave warriors that would otherwise be standing here. You deserve no honour or place on this vessel, nor anywhere in the Empire. The only thing you deserve is punishment for your sin.

Guards, take this fool to the decompression chamber. We will see if he deserves to ever fly again.
Do not return to base unless told to do so.


Diese Mission dient in erster Linie dazu die Geschichte voran zu treiben. Sie ist recht kurz und auch der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist als sehr gering einzustufen. Die Großkampfschiffe sind keine Gefahr für die eigenen Korvetten und die Jägerzahlen sind fürs erste ziemlich überschaubar.

Nachdem die Gegner und das Frachtdepot vernichtet wurde, gibt es einen atmosphärischen Moment, wo die Lucifer in Form einer Cutscene eingeführt wird und die flüchtende Kolonna mit Ihren Strahlgeschützen vernichtet. Danach übernimmt der Spieler wieder sein Schiff und hat nur noch die Aufgabe zu flüchten.

Auch wenn theoretisch durch das Missionsdesign über 2500 Abschüsse möglich wären, ist das nicht realistisch, denn selbst wenn man im Missionsgebiet verbleibt, springt die Lucifer nach der Flucht der Mochlos Korvetten ebenfalls wieder aus dem Missionsgebiet und es werden keine weiteren Jäger ausgesetzt.