
The Sword of Damocles

The Sword of Damocles ist der Name der dritten Mission vom ersten Akt von Ancient-Shivan War.

Vorherige Mission Diese Mission Nächste Mission
A Legacy Begins The Sword of Damocles Roadblock
Mission Englischer Name Deutsche Übersetzung
3 „The Sword of Damocles“ „Das Schwert von Damokles“

Beteiligte Schiffe

Verbündete Feinde
Uralten Aesdherianer
AF KatoAdF Dart
4x Beth 6x Swarm
4x Yodh 12x Hiver
4x Gimel 4x Ravager
4x Daleth 2x Feature
AB Attis 5x Ravener
4x AlephAdB Fang
AS Kamilari 12x Marauder
Kamilari Y-32AdC Claw
AD Achladia Wight
Apesokari Spectre
ACv ArkalochoriAdCa Sword
Amerlia Damocles
AdI Scimitar



  • Zerstöre die Station (1000 Punkte)


  • keine


  • keine


Seite Text
1 Brothers and sisters, today we will attack an Aesdherian installation, the Sabre. It is one of several stations that sustain the Aesdherian war effort, by producing, storing and distributing munition and other supplies. It also supports long-range communications between Aesdherian warships. Therefore, the loss of even one of these stations would be a great blow to the Aesdherians, and one more step on our way to defeating them.

According to our latest scans, the Sabre is currently without warship cover. This makes it a target of opportunity for our weapons. Our plan is as follows.
2 Aleph wing, you shall render the Sabre's two beam cannons inoperative. They are positioned on top and on the bottom of the station. Each of them presents a threat to our warships, which is why you shall destroy them. Beth and Gimel wings, you must make sure that Aleph can carry out this task, without being hampered by the fighters that will try to protect the station.
3 Once you have destroyed the two beam turrets, we will send in the Apesokari and the Amerlia. Their guns will make quick work of the Sabre. Aleph wing, you will assist them in destroying it.


Seite Text Empfehlung
1 Welcome onboard the Apesokari, warriors. As High Exarch Razch'Tar, I greet you all with open arms. Although your stay with us will be short, I am highly doubtful you will be disappointed. The Apesokari is a fine ship, and you bring honour to it with your presence. But the pleasantries can continue later. Meanwhile, we have the matter at hand.

Unfortunately, the Apesokari took significant damage from the unexpected enemy assault. Our energy grid has been severely hit, causing heavy damage to our point defense weapons and targeting controls. Our engines, too, have taken a direct hit from the main beam of the Damocles, and they broke down while we were transiting subspace. All in all, our ship is damaged more badly than our artisans can repair with the supplies we have on board.

The Aesdherians were very lucky to emerge on our rear like they did. It is known that Aesdherian subspace drives lack the fineness and precision of our own, and our analysts have estimated that they can determine their point of emergence with a precision in the order of a thousand metres. Had they emerged in a different position, they would have been no match for our vessels. But things are as they are.

Now, fleetmaster Im'Halus is aware of our situation, and he will most certainly come to our rescue as soon as he is able to. According to our latest communication, the Akrotiri was attacking the Shamshir installation, but she will come to aid us immediately afterwards.

Until we be can restored to full capacity again, you and the other wings will have to remain here and keep the Apesokari safe. You will launch again as soon as you are ready - the circumstances do not give you the time for a rest.

It is certain that the Aesdherians will return to face us. But when they do, we will be ready. They will regret such aggression if they try.
2 You have some nerve to appear in front of me after abandoning the field of battle. Perhaps you enjoy being tortured. I do not know, nor do I care. You are a worthless coward and desertion is strictly forbidden. After your torture, if you survive it, we shall see if you are worthy of taking flight ever again.

Guards, take this fool to the decompression chamber.
Don't depart unless you are told to do so.
3 Regardless of the counterattack, we still managed to destroy the Aesdherian installation. This is a great blow to the enemy war effort, and a big success for us, who carried out the attack.

Especially $callsign , present here, deserves a special recommendation: without his courage and perseverance, this feat would not have been accomplished. This will be noted in your records, pilot, and you may be sure that the Fleetmaster will look kindly upon it.
Nice one.


Auch in dieser Mission hat man keinerlei Kommandogewalt und kann nicht einmal ein Versorgungsschiff anfordern. Diesen Nachteil gilt es entsprechend zu berücksichtigen.

Schafft man es die Sabre zu vernichten, wird man am Ende des Debriefings persönlich mit dem Spielernamen angesprochen.

Aufgrund, dass man bei einem Sprung mehrere Kilometer von der Station wegteleportiert wird, anstatt die Mission wirklich zu beenden, kann man die Explosion der Station entsprechend aus einiger Entfernung anschauen, wenn man rechtzeitig den Sprungantrieb aktiviert. Jedes andere feindliche Objekt verschwindet allerdings während des Sprungs.

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