
A Demon in the Shadows

A Demon in the Shadows ist der Name der zweiten Mission vom zweiten Akt von Ancient-Shivan War und ist zugleich die erste wo der Spieler eingreift.

Vorherige Mission Diese Mission Nächste Mission
Introduction A Demon in the Shadows The Avenger
Mission Englischer Name Deutsche Übersetzung
2 „A Demon in the Shadows“ „Ein Dämon im Schatten“

Beteiligte Schiffe

Verbündete Feinde
Uralten Shivaner
AF KatoSF Scorpion
4x Aleph 6x Gayatri
AF TylisosSF Basilisk
4x Beth 4x Rama
AC MaliaSB Nephilim
Pseira 6x Hanuman



  • Verteidige die Pseira (100 Punkte)


  • keine


  • Zerstöre alle shivanischen Schiffe (400 Punkte)


Seite 1:

Loss of the Apesokari

As you are aware, the Empire is still locked into battle with the inferior species known as the Shivans. Everything in the battle for Verbek was proceeding according to plan up till the previous battle. Elements of the fleet led by the Achladia destroyer Apesokari were blockading an unidentified jump node when a massive destroyer-class vessel arrived, which we have since designated the Demon. Upon entry, it immediately overwhelmed and destroyed the already weakened Apesokari. All our brave warriors that were onboard fell with the ship, and the only ones who lived to tell the tale are standing amongst you.

This was not the only loss. Taking full responsibility for the destruction of the Apesokari, fleetmaster Im'Halus resigned from his post and disappeared, leaving no trace of his whereabouts. These losses have forced the Sopul fleet to regroup near the node leading to Vocruar, giving the Shivans free roam in the system. Luckily, the Shivans have not dared to attack the area around the node, giving our fleet some time to recover her strength.

Seite 2:

Situation in Verbek

All of our Race's ships in Verbek have withdrawn to the node to Vocruar. Apart from the Akrotiri, we have the destroyers Koumasa and Kolonna, along with several smaller vessels. The destroyer Mesara is still in the Aesdher system, cleaning up the remainders of the race that once lived there. We will hold our ground near this node until reinforcements arrive; the destroyers Tallaia and Chania have been transferred to our fleet and are on their way to reinforce us.

The fleet will be receiving current and future tasks from the successor of fleetmaster Im'Halus. For his voyage from the Homeworld to Verbek, he is on board the Tallaia, but he will lead the Fleet from the Akrotiri. You are to address him as fleetmaster Ty'Vlayl. He is one of the Empire's greatest tacticians. With many seasons of honourable fighting and revered leadership to his name, he is the most suitable candidate to lead us. We trust that he will lead our fleet to victory over the Shivans.

Seite 3:

New Technologies

Given the strength of the Shivan shielding systems, our great minds have accelerated the design of the Nova shield breaker cannon. The first shipment of this new weapon is on its way towards us. The Nova is a long-range weapon specifically designed for use against shield systems - bear in mind that its damage to physical armour is negligible, and as such, it should always be used in combination with a different weapon. The Nova is a high-energy weapon, so you may need to channel extra energy towards it for use.

The Sopul Fleet has also been selected for combat field testing of the new Mochlos-class corvette. The Mochlos is the result of a new era in shipbuilding and war technology. It wields heavier firepower than the aging Arkalochori corvette, and is more resilient to damage from all kinds of weapons. All Arkalochoris are eventually to be replaced with the Mochlos. The second and third ships produced in this class, the Galatas and the Kophinas, are currently on their way towards us.

Seite 4:

We Shall Not Accept Defeat

Our Race is not easily intimidated or beaten. We will not allow ourselves to be pushed back by a single inferior destroyer. Despite what you may have witnessed or fought up till now, let this be known. These are not any greater or lesser than what the Empire has fought before, and we have never been defeated. The Shivans will soon regret the day they invaded our systems and brought the end to the Apesokari.

We shall start by hunting down the Demon and silencing it. Due to its size and prowess, our analysts believe it to be the heart of the Shivan forces. Destroying it should deal a crippling blow to the Shivans and slow down their advance. With the Demon defeated, the spirits of the crew of the Apesokari shall be able to rest in peace.

This is all. Report for assignments precisely as directed. The battle for Verbek will soon recommence.


Seite Text
1 So far, the Demon has not attacked us, neither when we were regrouping nor while we were consolidating our positions. It would seem that it has hidden itself somewhere in this system, rather than engaging us directly. So far, long-range scans have been unsuccessful in locating it. This is probably due to interference from the gravitational patterns of Verbek's only planet, as well as two asteroid fields.

In order to correct the scanners for this effect, precise measurements need to be taken on these three locations. Therefore, our Malia sensor cruisers shall be dispatched to these locations, in order to make accurate scans of the interference pattern.
2 You will be leading two wings of warriors to escort the sensor cruiser Pseira. It will be performing a gravitational scan within the second asteroid field, which is both large and active. You will have to safeguard the Pseira from both inbound asteroids and any Shivans that may enter the fray.

As you know, we prefer not to jump directly into asteroid fields. Therefore, your wing will enter the area at the edge of the field. If it is safe, inform the Pseira it may begin sweeping the field, then proceed to escort it. As far as we are aware, there is no $h Shivan presence at the field. However, this could change at any moment.
3 Know that you will not be able to request a support vessel. An asteroid field is too volatile and hazardous an environment. Throughout the duration of your mission, you will have to make do with what you launched with. Also note that it may be difficult for the Akrotiri to maintain contact with you once you have entered the field.

Aleph 1, because of your experience in battling the Shivans, you shall have operational command over the fighters in this mission. Determine loadouts as you see fit. Your wing stands at the ready. Remember to stay focused. Above anything else, ensure that the Pseira survives. Depart when you are ready.


Seite Text Empfehlung
1 An outstanding effort. Despite the circumstances, you managed to prevail and ensure that the Pseira could complete its task. Thanks to you, it has gathered all the information needed for us to adjust our sensor arrays and find the Demon. Our Artisans are already collecting the information the Pseira gathered and preparing to make adjustments. It will not be long before the Demon's hiding place is revealed to us.

Our other Malia cruisers have also shown success during their respective assignments. Because of their sensory scans, we managed to locate two significant staging grounds for Shivan warships. Upon discovery, the Koumasa and Akrotiri immediately proceeded to remove both threats. If left unchecked, the Shivans could have launched a significant attack against us.

It will not be long before the time for revenge comes. Having shown competence in that asteroid field, you will be part of the attack force that will destroy the Demon. Few warriors have the opportunity of fighting such a fearsome opponent, and great honour is bestowed upon every one of them after the battle is won.

Rest and prepare for the coming battle. You will need it.
2 You are but a fool presenting yourself before me after abandoning the field of battle. Desertion is strictly forbidden by the Empire, and only a coward would desert his brethren. Because of what you have done, you cost the Empire many brave warriors that would otherwise be standing here. You deserve no honour or place on this vessel, nor anywhere in the Empire. The only thing you deserve is punishment for your sin.

Guards, take this fool to the decompression chamber. We will see whether this one deserves to fly ever again.
Do not return to base unless told to do so.
3 The destruction of the Pseira is a significant blow to our Fleet. We will have to send another sensor cruiser to that perilous area to gather the necessary data. In the meantime, we cannot modify our sensor array algorithms to track down the Demon. It could be preparing to attack us at any moment, and we have not the faintest clue where it is.

You were supplied with enough able warriors and supplies to complete the task that was assigned to you. And yet, you failed. The Pseira could easily have survived, even against the odds. Yet your incapability meant the loss of the Pseira and all those on board.

There is no room for failure here. You are to be sent to Sopul to serve in the rear lines. Maybe one day, you will be forgiven for your error. Maybe, you will have the privilege of returning to the front lines. But that will not be today.

Farewell to you.
The asteroids are more of a threat to the Pseira than the Shivans. Stay close to the cruiser, let your wingmen deal with the Shivans.
4 Excellent move wiping out all of the Shivan wings at the asteroid field. Every single Shivan we destroy makes it safer for the fleet to mobilise. We could use that asteroid field in the future to infiltrate any supply or assault forces to other parts of Verbek without fear of detection.


Eine Mission im Stile der offiziellen Missionen Wegbereitung, Feld der Zerstörung und Rebellen und Renegaten, wo man Schiffe durch ein Asteroidenfeld begleiten muss.

Tatsächlich folgt diese Mission ganz genau dem selben Prinzip. Trotz der vorhandenen Gegner, lässt sich diese Mission am einfachsten lösen, wenn sich die Flügelmänner um die Shivaner kümmern, während man selbst ankommende Asteroiden zerstört. Aufgrund, dass die Uralten schwächere Primärwaffen besitzen als die Terraner ist für ein Asteroid entsprechend mehr Waffeneinsatz nötig, wenn man auf Raketen verzichten möchte. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Missionen ist hier die Eliminierung sämtlicher Feinde ein Bonusziel.

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